Day 36 - Okahoma City to Stroud OK
Today had me dodging multiple thunderstorms. I love riding roads after it rains because everything is clean and fresh smelling. While I saw lightning and heard thunder nearby, luckily I did not get hit by any thunderstorms. Here you can see me between one very big set of storm cells to the north and a smaller one to the south. Sadly I encountered a lot of roadkill today. Here is a dog and a possum. Also saw a coyote, a deer, and more skunks. Horses seem to really like watching bicyclists go by. Lots of woods in this area. That small Smart car could fit in the back of the big pickup truck. I love going down country roads. But this one turned into gravel/dirt. Then back into pavement. Then back into dirt. But at least it was very pretty. The line of thunderstorms were thankfully well past me by this point. A bull and some other cattle. On one side of this road was a large ...