Day 28 - rest day in Roswell

Since my hosts Rick and Peggy were working that day, I rode into Roswell to check it out.

I stopped at the Stellar Coffee Co and it was indeed a stellar cafe! Great tea and coffee selection and a variety of food options. Over the course of several hours while catching up on email, etc, I had tea, a salad, and a breakfast burrito.

I also bumped into a group of local pastors (including a couple of Presbyterians) who get together regularly. They supported my quest to keep our world clean and beautiful for our kids and wished me well.

Later I visited the Boys & Girls Club of Roswell to give a talk to the kids there.

A local news reporter also showed up to see what was up.

All the kids were super excited about what I was doing and had tons of questions. A helper gave out dried pineapple pieces to each kid who raised his hand to ask a question. Below are the older kids (the younger ones left before we took this picture).

I dropped by the International UFO Museum too.


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