Day 30 - Portales NM to Hereford TX

At breakfast my waitress turned out to be a molecular biologist who works as an 8th grade science teacher, a community college teacher, and a part time waitress to make ends meet. We really need to pay our teachers better -- they are key to our kids future.

Just outside Portales is an organic peanut packing plant.

And some goats.

Just thought it was funny to see a sign to Southwest Cheese.

Luckily I did not run into any dust storms but did have mild side or tailwinds during the day.

The most common roadkill I have encountered on this trip were dead skunks.

Lots of abandoned furniture in this field.

I passed dozens of big sprinkler systems.

And also some dead jack rabbits.

This area of western New Mexico is very agricultural.

Enjoyed a Subway sandwich in Texico New Mexico!

Then entered Texas.

Many trains passed me in both directions.

More dust storm warnings.

A big feedlot for cattle near Bovina.

This is a strange vehicle, not sure what it does.

Then I entered Bovina proper.

Golden fields of grain. 

Had a very tasty second lunch / early dinner at the Thai Sky restaurant in Friona, TX. 

Hereford apparently has fiber networks.

And is the beef capital of the world! It certainly smells like it :-)

Here is the main street as I entered Hereford. 


  1. Sad commentary on the molecular biologist struggling to earn a living.


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