Day 42 - Mansfield to Houston MO
My day started with a tour of the Wilder museum and houses. Here is Pa's fiddle.
The house that Almanzo and Laura built over the course of many years.
The fancy & state-of-the-art (for its time) Rock House that Rose Wilder built for her parents.
My tour guide Rhonda was very informative.
After the tour I headed out on more country roads. Today's ride was pretty short, just 45 miles and I had a tail wind for the last half of my ride.
Passed this tiny town composed of just a post office -- that was it.
Later I passed an interesting horse ranch.
Interesting bird houses.
The motel I stayed at this evening gets lots of bicyclists because it is right on the US Bicycle Route 76. I'm not riding that route but this is where my own route crosses it. I'm their first bicyclist of the year.
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