Day 56 - Indian Hills to Xenia OH

Thursday April 18, 55 miles today of which 50 miles was all on trail, end of day total miles: 3389. 

Cooler but excellent riding weather. Some tail wind but trail was mostly in the woods which reduced the wind significantly.

Just a bit of road to start but relatively little traffic.

Happy to see the trail sign.

Then back onto the Little Miami trail that will take me all the way to Xenia.

It is so peaceful and pretty on this trail.

Passing under an interstate.

A home along the trail...

...with a playset.

Later a public playground.

A walker took a picture of me and my rig on this wonderful trail.

Kavin grew up in the US but spent most of her life overseas and was living in the Netherlands until recently. She greatly appreciates trails and was happy I was educating people about protecting our oceans and kids.

I had a short chat about oceans chat with fast cyclist Holly while we rode. Here she is zipping ahead.

Trails are a big selling point for these condos and townhouses. People here LOVE having trails in their own backyards!

They even have "LOVE" bike racks feature "LOVE" stamps :-)

These trails in Ohio also have excellent signage.

The trail is right along the main street in the little town of Loveland.

Rick gave me a trim at his barber shop on the trail. His son is taking over his business and he is retiring soon.

Scott is a local science teacher who is studying climate science more. We need more scientists!

I gave another talk while riding to Jim who has done Paris Brest Paris a couple of times. He is another fast rider so sprinted ahead of me after my talk.

So much beautiful trail.

A bit of erosion along this section.

Lots of pretty flowers.

A bicyclist and a dog walker.

Here is an old munitions factory.

Lots of history along these old rail lines.

These yellow flowers carpeted the area around this trail for miles and miles.

Lots of flowering trees sprinkle nearby yards with white petals amidst purple flowers.

An old caboose with more trail history.

Had a great lunch at Sugar Run Grill in Morrow Ohio. It is located right on the trail. 

Crystal's son wants to be a scientist! Yay! I left my card to give to her management and hope they will stop giving out straws automatically -- it is a small but easy way to reduce waste.

Then got back on the trail after lunch.

Here are lots more pictures of scenes along the trail.

Another canoe center.

Passed Fort Ancient Earthworks. Very interesting!

Under another interstate high in the sky. Those drivers are probably clueless of the beauty below them.

And more canoe rentals.

A Friends organization helped pave the many little bridges on this trail.

These bridges are built on the existing railroad bridges -- big iron and very sturdy underneath.

Rode past a horse ranch.

Here is a very old all wood electric pole.

There are benches at regular intervals for people to rest.

Some lowdown recumbent tricyclists zip by in the opposite direction.

And many more pretty trail pictures.

Xenia is a cross roads for several major rail trails. You can bike on trails from here to Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, and other locations. Fantastic!!

Beth is a triathlete who passed me earlier but I got to talk to her as she relaxed after her ride.

Xenia has lots of separated bicycle facilities.

And many pretty parks.

Cheyenne at Bourbon Chicken liked what I am doing on my ride.

There are also great walking trails all over Ohio in addition to the biking trails. In Xenia one of the walking trails aligns with a biking trail.

A tiny surf and cycle shop.

Some nice bicycle bike racks.


  1. Amazing rail trails! Im inspired to do a family trip to xenia.


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