Day 45 - Sullivan to Byrnes Mill
It's fun meeting people and learning their stories. This man (alas I don't recall his name) lives in Arizona and does charity work in the midwest. He agrees we need to keep our world clean and healthy for our kids.
Dueling billboard signs encourage supporting unions on the left and Trump in the distant right.
Today started out coolish (in the 50s) and I had lots of rolling hills.
I happened on an aquarium and wild animal park that I did not know about before so I stopped to check it out.
It had just opened a few months before. Sherry one of the owners is making a monster plastic shark to show people how much plastic is thrown out and encourage them to reduce their plastic throw away habits.
John her husband showed me that much of their facility is built from reused storage containers as well as from trees from their own property that needed to be cut down anyway to make room for their animal exhibits. Using local resources is a great way to minimize waste -- no transportation CO2.
I had only a short stint on Route 66 today before I had to leave it to go toward Byrnes Mill.
I see so much plastic on the side of the road. Here is a Gatorade bottle...
...and a Subway cup. I like Subway sandwiches but avoid their drinks in disposable cups.
I'm always happy to see share the road signs. So many motorists don't understand.
And I'm happy to share the roads with buggies too although I did not see any of them that day.
Hey look, they names an auto service center after me :-)
Dropped by another library but it was closed. Libraries are one of the best places to reduce waste and save money -- borrow one of their books or movies or CDs instead of needing to buy it. They usually have computers too that you can use.
This freight train got between me and my lunch stop (and yet another share the road sign for bicyclists).
Lewis Café was well worth the wait for the looonnng freight train to go by.
I like eating at local places that serve local food on reusable plates and bowls and cups instead of all the plastic disposable stuff that fast food joints use.
Here is a very irritating rumble strip -- very wide and makes the wide shoulder unridable for bicyclists :-(
When you bike you see much, much more trash on the sides of the road then motorists can see.
This entrance way has lots of pretty blooming trees.
Yet another large field of purple clover.
Finally to Byrnes Mill
The road shoulder was clean and wide, so why did they have to put a pork chop island in that forces bicyclists into a high speed auto lane? I really wish more traffic engineers and elected officials would take into account all users of roads and not just motor vehicles.
It got quite hot and humid by the time I reached my cousin Dee's house for the evening.
Here are her dogs after they settled down from my arrival.
Dee and I sat on her porch and followed all of her porch rules except read a book.
She has a beautiful view from her porch and so many bird songs!
Here is me and my cousin Dee on her porch :-)
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