Day 49 - Altamont to Robinson IL

This day started chilly, cloudy, and cool. Some strong sidewinds as well. Lots of great pastoral scenery though!

Loved the empty rural roads!

Here is a farmer letting the shit fly :-) 
It is great when we can use what would otherwise be a waste product as useful fertilizer.

Ended up on a dirt road but at this one was not too rough.

Loved the intense green fields.

This road was harder to ride as the gravel was larger and slippery.

Another farmer at work.

Had a great smooth ride on a road shoulder but then it ended. :-(

Librarians Sarah and Pat were very welcoming in Newtown. Librarians are so well informed about our world and environment!

Another big wide shoulder again :-)

And an empty curvy rural road.

That had lots of pretty wildflowers.

Some farmer lost some shit along the way.

Some prep for Easter.

Here I elected to go straight and follow the RideWithGPS and Google Maps suggested route.

That was a mistake as the very round and deep gravel caused my first spill -- thankfully low speed and not much road rash. Very glad I wear biking gloves!!!!

Nice full rivers going into Oblong, IL.

Judy the librarian at the Oblong library was very welcoming and loved that I was riding across the country for kids and our environment!

They have a very colorful kids area at this library.

Had a very high calorie dinner at the Back Porch Smokehouse -- Ribeye steak and potatoes smothered in gravy. Alas they snuck in a disposable condiment cup for my coleslaw....

Here is a picture of my nightly charging set up (minus my cell phone as I needed it to take the picture) -- 2 front and rear daytime flashers, bluetooth speaker (music & directions), front and rear Cycliq cameras.


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