Day 88 - Kingstown to Providence RI

Monday May 20, Biked 26 miles. Total mileage by end of day: 4683. 

Warm, sunny, tailwind -- perfect bicycling weather!

On the roadside as I left my motel, there were tons of cigarette butts. Yuk! Smokers are some of the worst polluters -- polluting themselves as well as our air, ground, and water. Cigarette butts are a huge pollution problem in creeks, rivers, lakes, and oceans because the butts carry lots of toxins and easily wash into waterways. The tobacco industry is quite an addiction racket -- selling a product that sucks huge amounts of money from their customers while killing the customers and polluting endlessly.

Now on the road heading north to Providence.

I buzzed by Biomes Marine Biology Center but the owner Mark was out again when I dropped by.

I rode south on Route 1 on the West Coast. Now I'm riding north on Route 1 on the East Coast.

Closer to Providence, I hopped onto the Washington Secondary Rail Trail. Flat, well paved, and great bridges and tunnels!

Very sad to find essentia trash along the trail :-(  Let's stop our addition to disposable drink bottles!

Ice cream is one of the great joys of bicycling. This Sundaes shop is right next to the trail with its own trail exit! I had to stop for a cone of extreme chocolate :-)

This trail has many little private entrances from people's backyards. Most people along trails become YIMBYs (Yes In My Back Yard). Having your own personal on ramp to a beautiful linear park is great. Trails increase property values as well as your health. Check out all these paths and staircases onto this trail.

So many people love using trails!

Including me!

Now in Providence after the trail ended.

I dropped by Brown University for a bit to check out their campus.

Emily, a graduating senior, watched my bike while I used a restroom in a nearby library. Then we had a great discussion about social justice and the challenges facing our world.

Here I am at the Van Wickle Gates. They are opened only to welcome incoming freshman and say farewell to departing seniors.

Kusnadi, Chris, and Michelle are an Indonesian family from Jakarta who took the picture above. Chris just graduated from Wentworth in Boston and Michelle had graduated from there earlier. They were sightseeing around Brown.


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